Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to Live Life With Joy

It seems that the times that we can live life with joy have been restricted to very few and very special occasions. The birth of a child, a great accomplishment or even a holiday like Christmas have fortunately not lost their power when it comes to creating joy in someone's life.

When these events are coming up the enthusiasm and excitement begins to build as we wait for the big event to arrive. Wouldn't it be wonderful that if we could look forward to each day with this same anticipation of joy and excitement? Where has the zest for life gone? What if tomorrow were our last day of life though? Would we look forward to having that one day and living it to the fullest.? Suppose that we could earn the next  day of life by living joyfully for today. Chances are we would soon find plenty in life to be joyous over.

Surely we were not meant to live life the way many of us do now. Worried about finances, our family our jobs and our responsibilities. Were we not meant to take pleasure from each of these?

Well if we are truly in control of our life then we should have the power over these issues right? So then being as life isn't the way we want it then either we don't have control, or we are not exercising it?

If life is really getting you down then the only way to get out the rut you are in is to really become enthusiastic about life and believe in yourself that you can turn it around. Take one problem at a time and tear it apart. Look at all your options and all your resources. Tackle it with the tunnel vision that you want to solve this one problem in life more than anything else, and just keep focusing on that. Slowly you will start to see some light at the end of the tunnel and it will give you the incentive you need to going on solving the next problem. You can do this because whether you believe in or not you can take back the control over your life.

There are two mindsets that can help you dramatically. One is to make it a point to find something to be joyful over at least one during your day. The second is start learning how to use living life quotes to empower your life. You will be astounded at the power that is within you waiting to be unleashed.

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