Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do You Want To Live Life In a Sea Of Tears or an Ocean of Laughter?

Quote Of The Day

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. "

 Its pretty difficult to find room for a smile amongst the pressures, trials and tribulations of life isn't it? Nobody chooses to be unhappy in life and feeling down and miserable all of the time is not pleasant. There just doesn't seem to be any break from it at all. Then when you do get five minutes to just sit and relax, most often your thoughts drift to all of the problems that you haven't even had a chance to address. Yet you are so exhausted from just dealing with the turmoil of the day there doesn't seem to be any energy left over to deal with these ones that are now coming to mind.

To live life this is not uncommon for many people. Unfortunately we have placed ourselves in a postion where life controls us and we don't control life. Its like getting in a car and starting out for a Sunday drive and then as you decline down a hill the breaks fail. Its all you can do to keep the car on the pavement and basically that’s how you are living life.

Well its time to turn the key off and start to coast. The problems aren't going to get solved while you are in the state you are in. What you need to do is start coasting and as you slow down take a look around you and start focusing on some of the positive aspects of life. They can only be of value to you if you allow them to.

Here are two little exercises I would like you to try.

Exercise one:
Every time some negative thought begins to become your focus I want you to take two minutes to push it aside and think of something good. Maybe it was something funny one of the kids said this morning or something amusing that happened hubby. Now allow yourself to crack a smile. Hold this thought for a minute then go back to what was troubling you if it still prominent with you.

Exercise two:
Everytime something nasty happens to you I want you to say or thank goodness I am glad it wasn't… for example if your youngster happens to fall and even at the worse breaks an arm…then say thank goodness he didn't strike his head. If a bill comes in and you can't pay it till the end of the month but the money will be available then…thank goodness I will be able to pay this at the end of the month.

These two little exercises are really quite effective at lifting a few of the pressures in life.

 If you have a hurdle in life you just can't see to get over, why not leave a note about it here and see if there are some solutions that we and other can share with you.

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